Ayurvedic Massage Oils


Ayurvedic Massage Oils


Use Topically to balance or stimulate the doshas.

🌬️Vata is a combination of ether and air energy and is associated with the following qualities and body parts: dry, light, cold, rough, hard, subtle, clear, movement, creativity, communication, colon, thighs, hips, ears, bones, and organs of touch, the heart and nervous system. Vata dominant people are prone to over-exerting themselves, bloating and gas, and dryness. Our Vata Massage oil is made with Sesame Oil, Olive Oil, Ashwagandha, Bala, Shatavari, Passion Flower, Licorice, Lemon Verbena, Tulsi, Valerian, Nutmeg, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang to warm and lubricate the delicate vata system, restoring cam and providing strength.

🔥Pitta is characterized by the elements of fire and water and the action of digestion. It’s qualities are oily, sharp, penetrating, hot, light, unpleasant odor and it is associated with the metabolism, small intestine, stomach, sweat, sebaceous glands, blood, lymph, and eyes. Pitta dominant folks often harbor excessive heat and inflammation,experience heartburn or indigestion, and are prone to irritability and impatience. Our Pitta Massage Oil is made with Sesame Oil, Sunflower Oil, Brahmi, Guduchi, Shatavari, Manjusta, Passion Flower, Licorice, Coriander, Lavender, Peppermint, & Spearmint to remove excess heat, purify the blood, and relax tension associated with pitta.

💦 Kapha reflects the elements of earth and water. It means “that which holds together” and it has cold, wet, heavy, dull, sticky, soft, solid, smooth energy, and pertains to the chest, lungs, throat, head, pancreas, stomach, lymph, immune system and tissues. When imbalanced, kapha can cause stagnation and congestion in the body and mind, excess weight gain, and sluggishness. Our Kapha Massage Oil is made with Sesame Oil, Sunflower Oil, Punarnava, Chitrak, Calamus, Bhumyamalaki, Manjista, Neem, Tulsi, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Patchouli, Ginger to promote the removal of excess fluid via mild sweating, stimulate circulation and cleansing the system.

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